Start a new story.

Every new story has a beginning, and any good quest ends with a treasure found.

In joining the UMUN family for a Dream & Discover meeting, we will set the stage and guide you on a pathway towards uncovering a true connection with what you wear. We will be your guide, your inspiration, your sage, your support. But you will have the reins.

We invite you to walk with a dream-like state of wonder as you contemplate the possibilities within our studio. Connect with designs, concepts and ideas from our past and yours to establish the seed of a future precious artefact. An artefact that, in seeing this experience through to the end, will serve as a conduit for a fond memory. A memory of awakening your style, your character, your… “you”.

Included in this meeting is time spent with a professional stylist, supplying you with a glimpse into the technical skill and art of truly identifying with what one chooses to wear. You will be able to get hands on with any current work that we have on display, and access to rare gemstones and fine jewellery that we have in our private collection. You will also have the opportunity to consider key design concepts and ideas that form our artistic foundation, as well as those that may have sparked a connection with others who have walked a similar path.

The UMUN Experience is waiting. The first step is on us.

To embark on this journey with us and start your new story, all you have to do is take your first step.

Start my new story